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A Real Inspiration!

This is Peg Ainsley.

A client, and a good friend.

She is a mother, grandmother, Author, speaker, and a complete rockstar.

... But more importantly, she is a real INSPIRATION to this world.

Peg and I started working together in January of this year.

And in the last few months, She has come out to share her story with the world.

Her story is about experiencing Domestic Violence.

A topic that is far too sensitive for so many to speak about.

She went through her experience 30 years ago in 1988.

She has been writing about her story over the years, as she tried to make sense of it all, and this year, she published her book on March 12th, her 70th birthday.

At the age of 70 now, Peg has devoted the rest of her life to speaking about her experiences, sharing what she has learned, and helping others that are going through what she has gone through.

Peg has decided that she does NOT want to live in silence anymore.

She does NOT want to stay quiet and internalize her experience.

She WANTS to live from her courageous self and CHANGE THE GAME.

She holds nothing back about herself.

She wants people to recognize that THEY MATTER in this world, and that they shouldn’t experience what she did.

She wants people to understand that it’s NOT NATURAL to experience abuse.

And most of all, she wants people to see that they ARE NOT alone, and that they DO HAVE genuine support, and they CAN GET a fresh start to a life that they actually desire and deserve.

See, even though this can be a heavy topic to discuss, and there are parts of her story that are dark, Peg brings this lightheartedness and hope in the way she shares it.

Her spirit is filled with IMMENSE JOY now and she brings this sense of CHILDLIKE PRESENCE to everything she speaks about.

You can tell just by looking at her smile.

Peg is now equipped with CLARITY about herself and her past, an UNDERSTANDING of how her thoughts and emotions work, and who she really is as a human being BEYOND any of her experiences.

And she is on a QUEST to help others arrive at the same place she is now operating from.

Peg is extremely PRESENT and CONNECTED with the people she speaks to.

She lets them know with a sharp conviction that the LIFE they desire, and the FREEDOM they seek is NOT AS FAR as it looks.

For Peg, life is NOT ABOUT fixing her past or making sense of her experiences anymore.


She speaks to groups and organizations bringing a sense of AWARENESS, COMMUNITY, HOPE and POSSIBILITY to a topic that clearly needs more light and discussion around it.

She recently gave an amazing speech at Sooke Transition House that moved me to tears.

If you want to watch it, or you know someone that would benefit from experiencing her speak, send me a private message and I’d be happy to send you the video.

On Monday night, I had the pleasure to watch her speak at VoiceStory where her speech shifted the energy in the room.

You can watch her speech by clicking here

As I mentioned, she has just written a book called “Love Beyond Reason - A True Story”

You can buy it here on amazon.…/…/B07PLP8HPF

If you want to work with Peg in any capacity - whether it is to have her speak to your organization, non-profit, or 1:1. Contact her directly.

She can connect with you over zoom video calls, phone, or if appropriate come to your location of choice.

She WANTS to help.

She is such a breeze to speak with and one of the sweetest souls I’ve ever met.

After she released her book, she received this message from the son of a reader that is 85 years of age.


“ My 85-year-old mother, who is decades away from living with abuse is only half way through your book and says it has changed her life! “It’s like you wrote it just for me!” And “I feel braver now” - and she needs to as she is facing end of her life. My Mom's an iceberg. Nothing moves her. Nothing. If I don't call her for ten years, I won't hear from her for ten years. Yet she went on and on about your book. So I figured that I should be telling you.”

To me, when I read this it speaks about the sense of freedom that this woman's soul has received before she passes.

That is powerful.

Peg, you are an inspiration and I feel blessed that I have had the opportunity to work with you and be a small part of your incredible journey in life.

Keep elevating us all with your presence, wonder, laughter and spirit.

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