Chill Out & Relax to See More
The human mind is always thinking up storms that don’t actually exist. It’s continuously telling us what the worst case might be. And...
Whose Business Are You In?
Often times we forget what our own business is. We unconsciously expect people to be a certain way. We expect things to work out a...
We Feel Our Thinking
The other day I woke up feeling insecure. And as soon as I started to think what this might be about, I then started to pin it on things....
Powerful Questions
Questions are powerful. They can help us experience a deep shift within ourselves in one single moment. . Our entire life can change if...
There is a Different Happiness
If our happiness is dependant on something outside of us, it will be gone when that something leaves our life. That kind of happiness is...
Don't Settle
Finding what works for us in life is one of the most important quests we can embark upon. And if you can’t find it, create it. Don’t...
Are You Willing to be Provoked?
I love looking for scriptures I can read and people I can listen to that provoke what I think to be true. When I can be curious to see...
Curiosity & Empathy Work Better
There is clearly a lot of discussion around the abortion laws that have gone into effect. . On my feed, I see a lot of defensiveness...
A Real Inspiration!
This is Peg Ainsley. A client, and a good friend. She is a mother, grandmother, Author, speaker, and a complete rockstar. ... But more...
The Golden Rule
John Dewey said that the desire to be important is the deepest urge in human nature. William James said ; "The deepest principle in human...